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North Catasauqua: North Catasauqua cancels June carnival

The 2020 North Catasauqua small Town USA carnival has been canceled, due to concern for public safety.

Hosted by the borough betterment committee, the annual event was originally on the calendar for June 10-13.


The annual yard sale at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park, originally set for June 6, has been postponed. A new date is to be decided.


Pavilion rentals at the park for May are canceled. No decision has been made about rentals in June yet.

North Catasauqua Borough Council will review all other activities at the June 1 meeting. Information about the council meeting will be posted on the borough website at northcatasauqua.org.


The Catty Seniors Plus meeting for May 27 is canceled.

The casino trip for May 22 is also canceled.

According to member Dorothy Vassa, “We are following Gov. Wolf’s instruction to stay home and stay safe. At this point, we all should be wearing masks and keeping a safe distance. If any member is in need of a mask, please call 610-264-2853.”