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Location of lunch pickup at Siegfried changed to NAHS

The location for free bagged lunch pickup at Col. John Siegfried Elementary School has been changed to Northampton Area High School, effective May 18, at the front of the building, which is the Laubach Avenue side. Days of pickup continue to be Mondays and Wednesdays, as well as at George Wolf Elementary School.

The change was made to allow parents and guardians to pick up Siegfried Elementary students’ personal items at the school, starting 8:30 a.m. May 18, distributed by alphabetical order of a student’s last name.

Vehicles are to enter the Siegfried parking lot off Laubach Avenue and drive past the softball field to the main entrance at the playground. Custodians and maintenance personnel will bring items out to the curb.

Guidelines for COVID-19 set by Pennsylvania and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be followed. Occupants are to stay in their vehicles. Vehicle occupants are to wear face masks.

There will be one makeup day for those who cannot pick up the items May 18. If items are not picked up, the items will be placed in a secure location for pickup in August or September.