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St. Luke’s University Health Network conducts 100,000 telehealth appointments

More than 1,200 healthcare providers, including physical therapists, at St. Luke‘s University Health Network conducted more than 100,000 telehealth appointments so far during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis from mid-March through April in the Lehigh Valley.

Virtual therapy visits are available for physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech and language pathology, using a smartphone, tablet or computer. So far, more than 3,000 visits have been completed, including evaluations of more than 100 new patients.

According to St. Luke’s experts, there are several things you can do to ensure a successful telehealth or virtual visit:

1. Plan ahead.

Think about what you want to accomplish during the visit:

- Do you want to discuss your medications or treatment options?

- Do you need to renew a prescription?

- Do you need help for a specific medical condition or set of symptoms?

Try to prioritize what’s most important for you during the call, as time may be limited.

Have your basic health information ready:

• Basic symptoms prompting the appointment

• Medical history, including chronic conditions

• Prescription and over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements you use, including vitamins

• Your pharmacy phone number and address

• Your primary doctor’s name and contact information

• Insurance or credit card information

2. Find a quiet, private place to talk.

If possible, get away from children, pets and other distractions. Make sure you can be there for approximately 30 minutes. Charge or plug in your phone or computer. Get some paper and a pen for taking notes. Gather medical equipment such as a thermometer or asthma inhaler if appropriate.

3. Don’t be afraid to talk.

Your conversation with the doctor should be like an in-person appointment. Write down what you want to discuss before you start to make sure you cover everything. Be prepared to answer some simple questions:

• What prompted the appointment?

• What symptoms do you have? How long have they been going on, and how have they developed and changed over time?

• What have you done to treat them so far? What are the results from treatment?

• Have you ever had these symptoms before? What treatments did you use and what were the results?

Patients who have a scheduled appointment or need a new appointment are encouraged to call their physicians’ office to schedule the virtual visit in place of their typical in-office visit. Then it’s simply a matter of connecting via phone or computer.

How can a St. Luke’s Virtual Visit help you?

• Primary care, physical therapy and specialty-care appointments

• Routine, chronic and acute health needs

• Personal care with physical distance

• Care provided on your smartphone, tablet or computer

Call your St. Luke’s doctor or Physical Therapy at St. Luke’s office today to schedule your virtual visit. If you are looking to find a provider, call 1-866-STLUKES (758-8537), option 4, or go to: visit www.sluhn.org.

Information on the COVID-19 pandemic: www.sluhn.org/covid-19