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Borough Manager Shane Pepe provided a COVID-19 pandemic response update at the Emmaus Borough Council meeting May 4. The meeting was held via Zoom.

Pepe said they are currently up to 32 furloughs with borough employees.

“We are doing everything that we can to get out ahead and save as much money as we can without completely eliminating our services,” Pepe said.

Pepe said they have been doing a good job collectively as department managers and borough council. The finance committee has been working hard to help guide the decisions the borough is making as well.

Pepe said “It’s not just a switch of the button” that when things open back up all of the financial issues will dissipate. The borough is still going to see financial impact even when the mandate is lifted.

In regard to the summer, the borough is currently not hiring any park employees and has yet to make a decision regarding the pool opening.

The 2,000 masks the borough ordered a few weeks back are still currently sitting in customs in China along with the thermometers they ordered. The public works department and emergency services currently have enough masks required to do their jobs, despite the delay.

Pepe said he was able to find thermometers at pharmacies and all departments now have them and are following the guidelines of taking employees’ temperatures before they start their shift.

“Morale is still good among employees considering what we’re dealing with,” Pepe said. “I really applaud the fact that we aren’t seeing a lot of call offs or people refusing to work, or anything like that. They’re still plugging away and moving forward with the responsibilities that they’ve sworn to.”

Since the government mandate has started, Pepe said they are seeing at least one ambulance transport a day with either flu like or COVID-19 like symptoms.

A few weeks ago, the borough received a little over $21,000 from the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund, which is being used to support health care related expenses and lost revenue specifically attributable to COVID-19. At that time, the borough had yet to make a decision on whether or not they would take the money as it could have possibly lost them overall revenue.

Pepe told reporters after the meeting they plan on accepting the money. He said they did a financial analysis and “our feeling based on that analysis, is it’s prudent for us to accept the money and use it toward a lot of those expenses that we’re experiencing with actually having to provide those services.”

Pepe said they are at a point where they will use every dollar they can get their hands on. He noted there is no bill from the federal government to assist local governments in the recovery process, but they are hoping one is to come in the future. Right now, the borough will be swallowing the entire cost of this ordeal.

In other business, council unanimously passed resolution 2020-19 which is the conditional approval for Iron Works Apartments including a lot line adjustment. The apartment complex, which will be located at 300 Furnace St. and a building on 326 S. Second St., raised many concerns from residents when it was first proposed back in early November 2019.

The apartment complex will consist of six buildings housing 24 units each, bringing the total to 144 units. Each unit will have one and half parking spaces, giving the development 216 parking spaces.

The initial plan design has areas set aside for additional parking if need be. These lots have a grand total of 69 spaces. Pepe said the zoning hearing board made a decision that’s legally binding, stating the zoning officer will make the decision as to whether or not they will need to make additional parking lots.

Council President Brent Labenberg voiced his concern over the parking, saying theoretically there could be a couple living in a unit each with car or a family living in a unit with three cars. He is concerned with parking overflowing and spilling into the nearby neighborhood.

He was also uncomfortable with the fact the zoning officer gets to make the decision regarding if they would construct the extra lots instead of council.

It was explained the complaint of parking issues could happen in various places, whether it be the planning commission, zoning board or especially council, which would most likely be the source that brings forth any resident complaints. Therefore, council would be able to initiate the request to the zoning officer. Council also gets the say in how fast the parking lot would need to be constructed.

The plan still has to go through the Lehigh Valley Conservation District and complete certain tasks by the Department of Environmental Protection. It will be another four to six months before all approvals are in place.

Dumpster Day and the Household Hazardous Waste Collection have been canceled for this year. During last year’s Dumpster Day, the borough spent over $19,000 in direct hauling costs and over $38,000 for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. Given the current circumstances, council decided it would be best to cancel the events until next year. Residents are still able to get rid of bulk items at the curb.

Ordinance 1202 passed its first reading, which will amend the zoning ordinance to add the definition of “small wireless telecommunications facilities” in order to stay compliant with the federal law.

The current ordinance reads it can essentially ban mini towers from certain locations within the borough, which is now illegal according to federal guidelines, laws and the Federal Communications Commission. Borough Solicitor Jeffery Dimmich and borough staff felt it was appropriate to update the current ordinance before they got into a disagreement or lawsuit.

Pepe said this is not “agreeing to anything with anybody,” it’s simply opening up the conversation to discuss the language conditions and changes. The ordinance won’t up go up for vote for final approval for a few months, as the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, Emmaus Planning Commission and Southwest Comprehensive Plan will all weigh in on this change.