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Easter Bunny keeps on truckin’ despite COVID-19 pandemic

On Easter Sunday, April 12, Chavon Procyk drove her pickup throughout the community with her daughter, Ryleann, fifth-grade student at Kutztown Elementary as co-pilot.

The Easter Bunny, assisted by Stacey Williams Lenhart, Chavon Procyk’s mother, sat in the bed of the truck, waving at kids and families.

Tim Lenhart followed behind the pickup with his vehicle’s blinkers turned on for safety.

The Easter Bunny’s location was posted on the New Tripoli Neighborhood Facebook page by Heather Eroh, Chavon Procyk’s sister.

“Heather worked from home updating the route and the current location so people could see where they were and when they would be arriving in their neighborhoods,” neighbor Erica Seither explained.

Community members shared addresses and the Easter Bunny made a drive-by visit.

“They were out for six hours straight hitting every family that commented with an address,” Seither added.

The Easter Bunny visited Kempton, New Smithville, Germansville and New Tripoli areas.

Many are saddened by children- and student-related events, Easter egg hunts, sports, field trips, recitals, concerts, plays, track and field days, and graduations being canceled.

“This was an amazing experience for the kids,” Seither said. “This family’s teamwork and kind gestures meant the world to so many local families. I’m teary-eyed thinking about it.

It was so nice to see all of their smiling faces and it was an incredible gift to our community. A generosity that will likely never be forgotten,” she said.

Seither noted all three ladies are Northwestern Lehigh School District graduates.

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY ERICA SEITHERChavon Procyk and daughter, Ryleann, gave the Easter Bunny a ride around town so he could visit with youngsters in this time of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.