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Garden club announces photo contest winners

At a recent Parkland Garden Club meeting the winners of the different categories for the photo contest were announced.

Cynthia Dunton was in charge of the photo contest and employees of Dan’s Camera City judged and critiqued the photo entries.

The winners were: Wildlife in the “Big” Garden by Tom Campbell; Animal in a “Small Garden,” People in the Garden and Landscapes in the Summer, all by Barbara Campbell, Faces in a “Crowded” Garden by Cynthia Dunton, and Plant Details, and Insects, both by Brenda Aubert.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY BARBARA CAMPBELLParkland Garden Club President Bonnie Keller joins Photo Chairwoman and winners Cynthia Dunton, Barbara and Tom Campbell at a recent meeting, Brenda Aubert who also won was unavailable for the photo.