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Coplay: Yard waste, grass pickup is April 17

Coplay Borough sanitation crews will begin picking up grass clippings and yard waste April 17 and will continue each Friday.

The borough reported the delay in having the yard waste and grass clippings picked up was because the compost site did not open until this week.

There is no extra fee for the collection of the grass clippings and yard waste since it is part of the garbage fee.


The borough will utilize strict enforcement to ensure the public abides by the temporary closure of the Coplay Parkway area and the tot lot.

However, the Ironton Rail Trail is open to the public for walking, jogging and bicycling. People may also continue to walk their dogs.

The IRT Oversight Commission had to cancel several charity races because of the coronavirus pandemic. There has been no notice of rescheduling these events.

In addition, there is no prohibition on people getting their exercise outdoors during the outbreak of the coronavirus.


The collection of food for the Coplay Recreation and Welfare Association pantry is shut down.

People who donate food to the association’s pantry on a regular basis are reminded to hold on to the boxed and canned food until it has permission to reopen its quarters in the borough’s basement.

St. Peter Roman Catholic Church had to cancel an earlier food drive that would have benefited the food bank.