Published April 15. 2020 12:00AM
I hope everyone had a very happy Easter. It is certainly one we will never forget.
Now that it’s been over a month, I think everyone who followed the guidelines of social distancing - staying at home except for essentials such as groceries, pharmacies, work, etc. - deserves to be applauded and to know we are all making a difference.
Our government says this is working. It is certainly encouraging news.
I don’t know if anyone saw the rainbow last week, but what a beautiful omen for Holy Week.
In these moments, it is hard not to think of the several symbolic messages of a rainbow, be it good luck, equality or religious symbolism.
Another example is that a rainbow consists of seven different colors, with each color being vibrant, beautiful and each one different from the next. It inspires thoughts of diversity and how important community inclusion is in this difficult time.
Most importantly, rainbows are often seen after a storm when the sun breaks through the clouds. This illustrates a very powerful and important message. Good and beautiful things often follow the darkest storms.
Rainbows are visual motivation to continue to endure through difficult times and a promise there is light and hope on the other side.
My email address is if there is any information you would like published in this column.
Wishing everyone a great week. God bless!