School board meets via phone
Due to the unprecedented situation of the coronavirus pandemic, the Parkland School Board had its March 24 meeting via telephone conferencing.
Only President Lisa Roth, Vice President David Hein and central administration officials were present.
Using the phone set-up, the board worked through the agenda but did not have any presentations or student recognition items.
The board approved the purchase of five Halo Disinfectant System machines from Global Access Medical, Fort Washington, at a total cost of $40,430.
Parkland already owns two of the spray disinfectant devices which are used for sanitizing district buildings.
The board awarded a bid to ePlus Technologies of Limerick for an upgrade of 671 wireless access points and licenses at a cost of $420,281.
If E-Rate funding is received, the price will be reduced to $210,140.
On another topic, the board approved the purchase of 26 security cameras for the high school from TWG Security, Emmaus, at a total cost of $21,475.
School board directors also sanctioned acquisition of four Network Extender devices from Verizon Wireless at a total cost of $6,000.
One unit will be installed at the high school. Three will be put in place at Springhouse Middle School.
On a different subject, Director of Communications Nicole McGalla told The Press the district is transitioning to an E-Learning environment.
“The technology department worked like dogs last week to do this,” McGalla said. “Some people said they worked harder than they ever did in their lives.”
She also noted the district had a food distribution at Orefield Middle School where recipients were given a box of groceries from the Parkland C.A.R.E.S. Food Pantry.
Nearly 100 families signed up for the food.