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Letter to the editor

To the Editor:

The Northampton school board had a virtual meeting, and one topic that is slated for the next meeting is next year’s budget. It happens every year, and it’s a foregone conclusion the board and the administration will want to increase our already ridiculously high property taxes to fund an already bloated system.

Let me be clear on this. The school board must not increase taxes this year!

We property owners should actually get a decrease in school property taxes. Here’s why. Schools are closed - no sports, no activities, no classes, expenses should be down, the kids are at the playgrounds - and we are all sacrificing for the good of our great country and the school district must do the same. Live within your means the same as the taxpayer citizens.

If by chance the board actually approves a tax increase as proposed by the administration, then I have to ask, is it their arrogance or ignorance that allows this to happen?

To all the taxpayers in the school district, go to nasdschools.org/Page/136 and call your school board representative and tell him directly property taxes must not increase, but should decrease due to the current crisis in our country. This is not a “business as usual” time for anyone, including the Northampton Area School District!

Stephen L. Radakovits

Allen Township