Published April 07. 2020 12:00AM
Bach Choir
The Bach Choir of Bethlehem will present its January Bach at Noon concert in its entirety at noon April 14 online and on television.
The concert includes Greg Funfgeld’s informal, enlightening insights into the music, performed by members of The Bach Choir and Bach Festival Orchestra.
The concert can be accessed through:
·The Bach Choir’s YouTube Channel;
·The choir’s Facebook page;
·A link on; and
·WLVT-TV PBS39 will broadcast the concert at a date and time to be determined.
Freewill contributions may be offered online or through the mail.
This January, the 2020 concert honored the 15th anniversary of the first Bach at Noon concert held Jan. 11, 2005.
It included: Brandenburg Concerto Nr. 1, BWV 1046, Anthony Cecere and Karen Schubert, French Horns, Mary Watt, Nobuo Kitagawa, and Lynne Cohen, oboes, Charles Holdeman, bassoon, Elizabeth Field, violin, Thomas Goeman, harpsichord, Cantata 65 – Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen (Cantata for the Epiphany) Lawrence Jones, tenor and David Newman, bass-baritone.
Since The Bach Choir of Bethlehem founding in 1898, the choir attracts thousands of visitors from across the United States and beyond to the annual Bethlehem Bach Festival.
The oldest American Bach Choir, The Bach Choir of Bethlehem gave the first complete American performances of Bach’s Mass in B Minor in 1900 and Christmas Oratorio in 1901.
For information, go to or call 610-866-4382.