Published April 02. 2020 12:00AM
To the Editor:
During this wild time of self-disassociation from life as normal, I have a request to see what kind of effect we can have on our future.
There is a bill in the state legislature called House Bill 1069 or “Sunshine Act Reform.”
1) In your search engine type “palegis”
2) Click the first result for the web page
3) In the “legislation quick search” type HB1069 and read the legislation
Basically, its major content says that any public meeting must have an agenda posted and once posted no addendums can be added. Emergency actions can be added if necessary; otherwise it must be posted in the next meeting’s agenda to be acted on.
The importance of this is to prevent actions like the East Penn School District that twice passed public union contracts as addendums. This means that no one knew these votes would happen and therefore the public nor news editors knew to attend the meeting to voice an opinion. This would not have happened had this bill been in place.
Those votes had an effect of close to 70-80+ percent of the EPSD budget.
The EPSD budget is proposed to be around $169,000,000 and all public union salaries add up to almost $140,000,000 over 80 percent of the total budget.
Wouldn’t you like to know what/when/why any public elected official is going to cast a vote?
My request is that you call your legislator and ask that they vote yea for HB1069 and let’s see what happens. Thanks.
John Donches