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Heidelberg supervisors update residents

The following information was provided to the Northwestern Press on March 30:

Heidelberg Township board of supervisors and staff are saddened to learn a resident who contracted the virus COVID-19 has passed.

We offer our sincerest condolences to the family and friends.

As a rural community, we often feel sheltered from the rest of the world.

This news brings home the fact we all need to take the necessary precautions to protect each other.

We want to assure our residents we have been doing everything within our power to protect them.

The township office was closed to the public the week of March 16 to limit face-to-face interactions.

The building was thoroughly cleaned and set up to promote social distancing.

Heidelberg supervisors issued a disaster declaration at the March 20 supervisors’ meeting and adopted an updated Emergency Operations Plan.

The township emergency management coordinator is in close contact with the Lehigh County Office of Emergency Management, NOVA, Germansville Fire Company and Northwestern Lehigh School District.

The township office has been closed since March 23 and office staff are taking turns coming in to the office and working from home to perform critical business and support our residents.

The township website heidelberglehigh.org has a new page under the resources tab with links to reliable information on COVID-19.

Township staff continue to be available to residents by checking emails, phone messages, mail and keeping the website updated.

We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and follow all state and federal guidance.

Close contacts of the resident who died will be notified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, but residents are generally protected if they follow the guidelines set by the CDC to remain socially distant (at least 6 feet), wash hands frequently and stay home when able.

Heidelberg Township urges its residents to stay calm, stay home and stay safe.