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(Writers Note: The dates in the column may be subject to postponement or cancellation due to more or ongoing coronavirus restrictions. If planning to attend any of the listed events, please call ahead to determine if the event is still scheduled. During this trying time, please stay safe.)

Upper Milford Township and the Emmaus Joint Environmental Advisory Council will hold the annual Earth Day cleanup April 18. Registration begins 8:30 a.m. in Emmaus Community Park, 1401 Shimerville Road, for coffee and to get organized. Recycling and cleanup efforts begin 9 a.m. Instructions and directions to all the cleanup sites will be provided.

Earth Day is a great time to show your commitment to our community’s environment. Community members are invited to participate in this fun, earth-conscious event.

Document shredding and electronics recycling will be offered for township and borough residents. Light bulbs and household batteries will be collected. Volunteers are needed for the event. For more information, email info@uppermilford.net or call 610-966-3223.

The Wildlands Conservancy, 3701 Orchid Place, will hold an Earth Day Festival noon to 4 p.m. April 18. For information visit wildlandspa.org.

The Emmaus Lions Club will hold its annual Pennsylvania Dutch Chowder Sale April 18 at Emmaus Community Park. Containers will be available for pick up and purchase between 7 and 11 a.m. For more information or to pre-order chowder, contact any Lion member or call 610-965-7355.

The Emmaus Garden Club will meet noon April 7 at Faith Presbyterian Church, 3002 N. Second St. The program will be “The Suffrage Garden” with Michele McLaughlin. She will describe suffragists in Pennsylvania and how their work and gardens led to a nationwide phenomenon that led to women’s right to vote. Guests are always welcome. For information, call 610-395-0903.

The Woman’s Club of Emmaus will hold its annual spring card party 11:30 a.m. April 23 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 501 Chestnut St. This is one of the major fundraisers for the Woman’s Club scholarship and Emmaus High School graduation awards. For information contact Sandy at 610-967-2828.

The Woman’s Club of Emmaus March 23 meeting at which Emmaus High School Girls of the Month were to be honored has been postponed until May 18. The honorees are Alena Slak for music; Kathleen Taranto for journalism; Caroline Oetting for art; Brooke Seislove for family/consumer science; Hannah Westbay for business/computer applications; Tea van Linde for drama; Shreya Sriramineni for science and Stephanie Sipics for mathematics. Congratulations to the honorees.

The Emmaus Rotary Club Beef & Beer event 6 to 9 p.m. April 23 at House & Barn, 1449 Chestnut St. has been canceled. Please visit www.ercbnb.com for refund information.

The Emmaus Kiwanis Club will host its annual Easter Egg Hunt 1 p.m. April 11 at Emmaus Community Park. The hunt is for children aged 6 months to 10 years old. The event is free and open to the public. It’s best to be on time because the hunt starts promptly. It is held rain or shine. There are five age groups and 12 prizes per age group. For information, visit Emmaus Kiwanis Club.

The Emmaus Historical Society is looking forward to many spring activities. The society will hold its next meeting 7 p.m. April 15 at St. John’s Lutheran Church parish hall, 501 Chestnut St. “A night of stories and how to tell your own,” will be presented by storyteller Kathy Long. Members and nonmembers are welcome to attend.

The society is sponsoring bus trips to the following: June 6: Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, (last day to sign up is April 22); June 30: “Queen Esther,” Sight & Sound Theater, Lancaster, (deadline is May 15). For information and to sign up, call Nancy at 610-967-5715.

The society’s annual yard sale is May 30. Come and see the amazing treasures priced to sell. Last day to drop off items for the sale is May 16.

The Emmaus Historical Society’s museum, 218 Main St., has hours normally 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Saturday. They are closed presently and hope to reopen April 4. Spring displays added to the museum include a vintage Easter display, patriotic and Emmaus High School classes ending in zero, starting with 1890 to 2010. The society is always looking for Emmaus-related items. For information visit www.emmausistoric-pa.org or call 610-966-6591.

Emmaus Borough Council meets 7 p.m. April 6 and 20 at borough hall, 28 S. Fourth St. The borough offices will be closed April 10 for the holiday.

The E-waste Recycling Center, located at the public works facility behind Top Star on Kline’s Lane will be open noon to 6 p.m. April 13. Visit borough.emmaus.pa.us/Emmaus-recycling/electronic-recycling for a complete list of acceptable items or call Whitetail disposal at 610-754-0103.

The Emmaus Farmers Market will be held 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 26 at the Emmaus Triangle.

The Friends of the Emmaus Public Library book sale scheduled for April 25 has been canceled.

The Emmaus Senior Citizens group meets regularly the first and second Friday of the month at St. Matthew’s E.C. Church, Fifth and Ridge streets. In April, the group will be going out to eat April 3 if restaurants are open. The group will not meet April 10 due to the Good Friday holiday. For information, call Irene at 610-966-4273.

The Emmaus Public Library, in keeping with Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement regarding COVID-19 and the guidance from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, will be closed for routine, in-person library services through March 29. All the online digital resources are available during this time. All events scheduled during this time are canceled or postponed. No materials will be due during this time. Stay tuned for updates on the library’s social media sites, website and phone.

All regularly scheduled April story times, book clubs and movies at this time are still being offered as scheduled. Join the attendees and make a butterfly oasis at the Pinterest Party 7 p.m. April 6.

Melissa Draving will instruct how to organize the paper threatening to overwhelm your life 7 p.m. April 8. RSVP and bring a shoe box full of paperwork to organize.

Barbara Greco, a classically trained Bethlehem artist, will present a lecture on the resurgence of classical art 3 p.m. April 11. RSVP to eplcollection@cliu.org or call 610-965-9284, ext. 210.

Greco will conduct two workshops to guide students through the basics of portrait drawing using charcoal and chalk 6:30 p.m. April 13 and 20. RSVP as workshop space is limited to 15 attendees for ages 16 years and up.

John Schmoyer will present the history of the Phillies, covering the 1880s through the 1970s, 7 p.m. April 27. An RSVP is required. Adult program RSVPS to Lauri at eplcollection@cliu.org or call 610-965-9284, ext. 210.

Celebrate National Library Week by finding your place in the library with your Peeps. Create a diorama using Peeps candies 6:30 p.m. April 21. Feel free to bring your own shoe box, Peeps, accessories and more. The library staff will take photos of the dioramas and share on the library’s social media sites so everyone can vote for the Peep-les Choice. The event is for all ages.

Camp NaNoWriMo is a time for writers of all ages to come together and write. The library is open for NaNoWriters all day long April 16. Bring your covered drink and your brain and get creative.

For your information: The Shelter House Society has back issues of the “Hearthstone” available for sale. The society has an inventory dating from 1969 to the present. There are also copies of “Toby’s Tale,” a children’s book about the Shelter House cat, and the Shelter House cookbook. For information, call Dave Biles at 610-797-6687.

At the time of this writing, the primary election is still set for April 28. Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The deadline for ordering bricks for the veterans bricks installation ceremony at the Emmaus Remembrance Garden is April 3. The installation ceremony is 10 a.m. May 23. For information, visit www.emmausremembers.org or remgarden1@gmail.com.

The deadline for including items in the May column is April 15. Please send to durdock@aol.com, 913 Little Lehigh Dr. or call 610-967-2661.

Happy Easter everyone.