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DeSales U. cancels student film festival

The Division of Performing Arts’ 20th annual DeSales University Film Festival featuring “The Best of the Fest,” 8 p.m. March 27 and a screening of student films, 8 p.m. March 28, Main Stage, Labuda Center for the Performing Arts, DeSales University, Center Valley, is canceled because of concerns about the Coronavirus.

“This year’s festival celebrates the history of DeSales’ filmmakers through the theme ‘Generations of Storytellers,’” said Maggie Durkin, Head Producer of the 2020 DeSales University Film Festival.

“We are celebrating the first twenty years of the DeSales University Film Festival with a night of award-winning films from past years during our ‘Best of the Fest’ night, followed by a night of our student films being shown in our Main Stage theater.”

The DeSales TV-Film department boasts 17 Emmy Award winners from among its students and alumni.

The student filmmakers represented in this year’s festival included Jennifer Marinello, David Toolan, Sophie Goad, Aliaah Boardley, Alexander Deola, Evan Werner, Christopher D. Shaw, August Schweitzer, and Vernard James.