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Board OKs two plans

George White of JHA/Beitler Companies presented a minor subdivision for review at the Weisenberg supervisors’ February meeting.

The Smolinsky subdivision and is located along Sechler Road.

The board approved the preliminary/final application.

William Steele presented a minor subdivision plan for a lot along Rhoads Road.

The applicant wants to subdivide one lot out of the parent parcel.

The plan was presented as preliminary/final. The board approved the plan.

The planning module for 1778 Kecks Road was approved by resolution.

The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission was given the contract to revise the township’s comprehensive plan.

“No Littering” signs were proposed for various remote areas in the township. Silver Creek and Militia Roads are examples of areas where trash is discarded.

During public comments, the Weisenberg Fire Company’s yearly report was given by Matt Krapf.

The statistics for 2019 included 59 calls for rescue and emergency medical, 49 fire calls, 48 false alarms, 20 service calls, 17 hazardous conditions, eight intent calls, one severe weather and one special incident.

He noted some of the new firefighters were taking their Hazmat awareness classes in February and two firefighters were taking their firefighter one certification classes.