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Allentown St. Patty’s Parade events set

Barri and Lisa Arnold of Allentown have been selected King and Queen of the 2020 Allentown St. Patrick’s Day Parade, following in the footsteps of Lisa’s parents, 2012 King and Queen Ed and Mary Ward.

The 63rd Allentown St. Patrick’s Parade, 1:30 p.m. March 22, West End Theater District, includes the 2020 king and queen in a white coach drawn by a team of Belgium horses followed by parade divisions, each led by a pipe band.

Events associated with the parade include:

Food Drive for Second Harvest Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley: door-to-door, West End Allentown week before parade, at parade-sponsored events and from parade spectators.

Parade Pub Crawl, 5 p.m. March 14, Jack Callaghan’s Ale House, Tavern on Liberty Street, The Roost of Allentown, Volpe’s Sports Bar, Shanty on 19th, Fairgrounds Hotel, Sleepy Cat Urban Winery, Greg’s West End Saloon. Donation includes commemorative T-shirt.

Irish Flag Raising, 11:45 a.m. March 17: Republic of Ireland flag raised at City Hall Plaza, 435 Hamilton St., Allentown, with Mackay Pipe Band; John A. Chaya, Co-President, Allentown St. Patrick’s Parade Committee, Inc., and Allentown Mayor Raymond O’Connell.

2020 St. Patrick’s Day Parade King and Queen Coronation Celebration, 7:30 p.m. March 20, Agri-Plex, Allentown Fairgrounds, 19th and Liberty streets, Allentown. Tickets include copy of 2020 St. Patrick’s Parade Program Book, complimentary beer (provided by Banko Beverage), soda, and door prize ticket. The event is BYOB. Free for those under 21.

7th Annual Irish Cultural Community Day, noon - 4 p.m. March 21, Agril-Plex. 2020. Irish dance, Celtic Highland Games children’s contest, art, bagpipes, fiddles and ceili.

Mass to celebrate St. Patrick, by the Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert, Bishop of Allentown Diocese, 9:15 a.m. March 22, Immaculate Conception Church, 501 Ridge Avenue, Allentown. Procession led by MacKay Pipe Band includes former parade kings and queens, and 2020 king and queen.

West End 5K, 12:15 p.m. March 22, West End parade route. Register through March 17 or until 1,000 runners reached. Prizes awarded. To register: www.westendstpats5k.com

Massed Bands Exhibition, 1 p.m. March 22, North 19th Street between Tilghman and Liberty streets. Pipe bands directed by Drum Major Jason Litz. After parade, pipe bands proceed to Pub Crawl-sponsoring pubs to perform.

Allentown St. Patrick’s Parade, 1:30 p.m. March 22, West End Allentown. Parade forms at Fairgrounds track near Liberty and 19th streets Gate (MainGate vicinity), proceeds west on Liberty, north on 19th Street, west on Tilghman Street to 25th Street, south on 25th Street to Liberty Street, east on Liberty Street, and disbands at Fairgrounds 19th Street Gate.

House Decorating-Porch Party Contest, March 22, Prizes, donated by West End pubs for “best porch party” and “best decorated house” along parade, awarded upon conclusion of parade.

Information: lisawardarnold@verizon.net; allentownstpatricksparade.com

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOBarri and Lisa Arnold, King and Queen, 2020 Allentown St. Patrick's Day Parade.