Whitehall Township Public Library: Friends of the Library volunteer group will meet March 13
The Friends of the Library group will meet 10 a.m. March 13. This is a group of volunteers who lend support to the library.
Anyone may join the FOL.
For more information, visit whitehallpl.org/support-us.
There will be a Teen Advisory Board meeting 1:30-3 p.m. March 14. TAB helps the library plan various events.
TAB is always looking for more members. Any Whitehall-Coplay Middle School or Whitehall High School student may attend. TAB meets once a month, year round.
The third Monday open mic and jam is set for 6:30-8 p.m. March 16.
Entertainers interested in performing family-friendly acts should sign up by 6:15 p.m.
Musicians, singers, poets, comedians, actors, writers and storytellers are invited to come show off your stuff, or just come and be part of the audience!
The What Are You Reading Now? book club meets 1 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The next meeting is March 24.
Patrons are invited to chat about whatever books they are reading at the moment - the ones you loved, the ones you hated and everything in between.
Intro to Genealogy will be 9:30-11:30 a.m. March 21 and 6:30-8 p.m. March 26. Let us help you figure out where your family came from. We’ll show you how to use our Ancestry and Heritage Quest databases and other resources to search for records and documents.
You may attend one or both sessions. If you cannot attend, handouts will be available at the desk.
With your new purple LCLC library card, you have access to many databases and resources.
Mark your calendar now for some programs in April.
The library will kick off its 55th year of library service to the Whitehall area with a reception and open house 1-4 p.m. April 4. Everyone is invited. Let us show you what your library has to offer the community.
Local barbershop quartet ffourtissimo will be performing at the library 7 p.m. April 16. They will help us kick off the 55th anniversary and will perform some of the great songs from the 1960s, ’70s and now.
National Library Week is April 19-25, and we will be having some activities to celebrate.
Watch the calendar, website and this column for details on more programs to be held in 2020 for the library’s anniversary.
Call the library at 610-432-4339 for more information on any of our programs. We have the newsletter and calendar on our website, whitehallpl.org, and copies at the front circulation desk.