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Recently, Willow Lane Elementary School students enrolled in grades one through five presented “Humour Tales Returns,” a theatrical production consisting of three skits. Director Deb Campbell stated in her director’s notes, “After last year’s Humour Tales, I didn’t feel quite finished.” To the delight of Willow Lane Elementary School students and parents, she decided to produce a second batch of whimsically skewed fairytales.

Involving a cast and crew of 58 students, Campbell and a dedicated group of assistants and volunteers organized sparkling productions of “Dark Sun and the Seven Gnomes,” “Adaline’s Story” and “Cyndergrams.”

The skits, narrated by Carter Granitz, Keira Dunbar, Sofia Isaksson, Katy Kapp and Arianna Lutz, required the participants to possess a variety of talents. As well as memorizing amusing speeches that demanded comedic timing, members of the cast performed three dance routines and five songs. The stage crew worked diligently to maintain the pacing of the action by accomplishing rapid scene changes.

Willow Lane Elementary School students viewed “Humour Tales Returns” during one of two in-school presentations. Parents, friends and family members attended an evening performance.

Student John Kelly portrays the evil king in “Dark Sun and the Seven Gnomes.”