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‘Eaglefest’ includes


Bill Streeter, Master Falconer and Director of the Delaware Valley Raptor Center, Milford, Pike County, will dipslay live birds of prey, including an adult and juvenile American Bald Eagle, at “Eaglefest,” noon and 1:15 p.m. March 7, Lehigh County Historical Society’s Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum, 432 W. Walnut St., Allentown.

“Eaglefest,” 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. March 7, includes science experiments, crafts and activities for children. Learn to identify backyard birds and their calls. Strap on fabric “eagle wings.” Make a bird mask. Step into a life-size model of an eagle’s nest. Measure yourself against a life-size eagle outline and help color it in. Discover how birds stay aloft. Cut and fold a paper bird that flies.

Create a project showing the food chain for a bird of prey. Learn how pesticides endanger raptors. Make an eagle puppet and race to see how quickly you can “catch fish” in its talons. There will also be an egg hunt.

Information: lehighvalleyheritagemuseum.org; 610-435-1074