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Northwestern Elementary hosts B-I-N-G-O night for families

Principal Maria Pulli, third-grade teacher Jodie Chandler and second-grade teacher Marisa Bartholomew served as helpers and bingo callers.

Girl Scout leaders volunteered at the concession stands and parents signed up guests and sold bingo sheets, dabbers and raffle tickets. PIE Secretary of Records Marybeth Long originally suggested the family bingo night.

“Her incredible attention to detail and organizational talent made for a fantastic evening,” PIE President Erica Seither said. “The crowd played 15 games of bingo and there were more than 60 baskets in the raffle. Everyone seemed to have a good time and enjoy themselves, especially the bingo prize and basket raffle winners.”

An American Girl doll was won by Addisyn Dottery during the Northwestern Elementary Partners In Education bingo night Feb. 21 in the high school cafeteria.