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Lehigh County senior menus

Call 610-782-3254 for locations.

Wednesday, February 12: Honey glazed turkey, Brussels sprouts, mashed sweet potatoes, whole wheat dinner roll, cinnamon baked apples.

Thursday, February 13: Vegetable lasagna, Italian green beans, cauliflower, diced peaches.

Friday, February 14: Cheeseburger, potato and ham chowder, coleslaw, whole wheat sandwich roll, fresh melon.

Monday, February 17 - Closed - President’s Day.

Tuesday, February 18: Chicken and dumplings, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, scalloped pears.

Wednesday, February 19: Barbecue pork patty, green beans, mashed sweet potatoes, whole wheat sandwich roll, cottage cheese and fruit.

Thursday, February 20: Egg and cheese baked Monterey, sauteed peppers and onions, diced potatoes, whole wheat dinner biscuit, fresh dinner roll.