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STUDENT PROFILE Jenna Grochowski, Liberty HS Coordinated by Julie Swan

Grade: 12

Family members: Teri Grochowski (Mom), Joseph Grochowski III (Dad), Joseph Grochowski IIII (brother)

Favorite subjects: English and history. They are both so intriguing to learn and it’s very easy for me. I like learning new words and their meanings, and history I like knowing what happened before I was born and before my parents were born.

Activities: Community service at Cedarbrook Nursing, Lincoln Elementary and BAVTS.

Next steps: I plan on becoming an RN. I just applied to Alvernia University for their nursing program.

Career goals: Saving people’s lives and being an RN

Heroes: My parents; they have taught me who I am today and they both have gone through so much and have gotten through it with no problem, and I admire that.

Hobbies: Singing and hanging out with my friends

Current job(s): I had an interview for the St. Luke’s program for seniors in September.

Volunteer/community work: I have all my hours from Cedarbrook Nursing Home in Fountain Hill. But now I’m going for the silver chord so I went back and I pick up any extra I can do.

Likes: Hanging out with friends, helping people and volunteering

Dislikes: People who are rude

Greatest accomplishment (so far): Getting my residential licensing from BAVTS

Advice for peers: Never give up, no matter how hard life is. Just keep going.

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.

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