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Sheckler News: Happy Valentine’s Day to all

I would like to wish everyone a very happy Valentine’s Day. May your day be filled with many smiles and much love.


Sheckler Elementary School will be closed Feb. 14 and 17 for Presidents Day.

Regular scheduled classes will resume Feb. 18.


In honor of Read Across America/TV Turnoff Week, Sheckler Elementary will be celebrating with special activities planned for students throughout the week.

Beginning with Sheckler night at Skateaway in Whitehall Feb. 16, students and their families are invited to a free admission from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Students will need to bring the flier that was sent home to get in. Skate rental fees apply.

There will be a lot of guest reading going on for students during this week. On Feb. 20, guest readers from Catasauqua High School will come to classrooms to read to the students.

Feb. 21 is class buddy read-aloud day. Students from third and fourth grades will come and read to students in kindergarten, first and second grades. Some classrooms may also have booked a guest reader to visit during the week and read to students.

On Feb. 19, students will have Box of Light Storyteller assemblies with Rand Whipple.

The Scholastic book fair will be continuing through Feb. 20 for students to make purchases. Families will have an opportunity to shop together and make purchases at the Scholastic book fair, being held in the cafeteria 6-7:30 p.m. Feb. 20.

There will also be a daily trivia contest happening for the week, with a question that is geared to a specific grade level to answer for their grade level’s given day.

It’s sure to be a week filled with many fun reading experiences and activities.

Don’t forget: TV Turnoff Week begins Feb. 16 and continues through Feb. 22. Good luck to those students who have decided to participate in this challenge.