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Lowhill to buy truck

Lowhill Township supervisors discussed dump truck bidding during new business at their monthly board meeting in January.

The used 2008 Peterbilt 340 dump truck is a previously used municipal truck, so, it would have everything Lowhill needs for it.

The total $60,020 includes title, taxes, tags and fees.

Supervisor Richard Hughes made a motion to accept the bid from Hunter Truck. Supervisors Buddy Wessner seconded the motion.

The board also approved junkyard licenses for Bruce Mordaunt, R.H. Kressley garage and Richard Landis.

Under old business, supervisors addressed vacant positions for auditors, the planning commission and zoning hearing board.

The board has some ideas but there are still some openings.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky gave his report to the board.

In December 2019, the road crew performed three days of winter maintenance, washed and cleaned the trucks and fixed some oil leaks on equipment. In January, they prepared for winter maintenance, and did some tree trimming and Tiger mowing.