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License classes being offered

Amateur radio

Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, offers free classes to prepare interested persons for the short entry-level FCC amateur radio license test and the start of enjoyment in amateur radio communications.

Learn about amateur radio for emergency communication, in public service events, radio contests, or casual conversations with other “hams” potentially anywhere in the world.

Participants will learn how radios and antennas work, how to set up and operate a station at home, in a vehicle, and while walking using a small hand-held radio, and more.

For hams currently holding the entry-level license, free classes are offered to prepare for the test to upgrade to the general class license.

Classes for both entry-level and general class license start on March 3, and run 10 Tuesday evenings (with FCC license testing on the 10th Tuesday), from 7-9 p.m. at the Gracedale Complex, Nazareth.

More information about amateur radio can be found at dlarc.org/club-info/classes, and the national association’s website at arrl.org/what-is-ham-radio.

To register, call 610-432-8286 or email KE3AW@ARRL.com.