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Recreation board chooses officers

Jan. 29 was reorganization night for the Northwestern Recreation Commission.

Rick Hughes was named temporary president. Jim Hughes returns as the member-at-large to the board of directors.

Steve Bachman will serve as the representative from Heidelberg Township.

Lynn Township’s Justin Smith was named president with Rick Hughes of Lowhill Township names vice president.

Todd Hernandez will again serve as secretary.

He and Todd Leiser are representatives from the Northwestern Lehigh School Board.

Linda Gorgas represents Weisenberg Township on the board.

In other matters, Hughes reported trash is being dumped in the dumpster at the recreation fields.

He asked if Waste Management could pick up twice as often but as the company donates its collections, Waste Management refused to add an extra pickup.

When the public fills the dumpster, it becomes unavailable for the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association and other permissible users to have a place for their garbage.

Hughes said at one time, the trash came from the driver of a red pickup.

They reset the dumpster so the camera can show who is doing the illegal dumping.

The walking trail bills are not all in. The largest one is expected to be the paving. A grant is expected.

In the November 2019 minutes it was announced that when the trail is finished, tree sponsorships will be accepted. There have been inquiries about this project.

Valley View donated its time to move the trees that had to be moved for the trail project.

Meetings were scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month with the exception of November when it will be on Nov. 18 due to Thanksgiving. There will be no meeting in December.