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Northampton County senior menus

Call 610-829-4540 (ask operator for Area Agency on Aging) for locations or visit https://www.northamptoncounty.org/HS/AGING/Pages/default.aspx.

Thursday, February 6: Veal parmigiana over vermicelli, California vegetable blend, Italian bread w/ margarine. chilled pears.

Friday, February 7: New England clam chowder, smoked turkey-salami and provolone cheese on roll, cole slaw, ambrosia.

Monday, February 10:Cream of potato soup, Hungarian goulash, extra wide noodles, roasted Brussel sprouts, wheat bread w/ margarine, chilled apricots.

Tuesday, February 11: Roast turkey w/ gravy, Pennsylvania “Dutch” stuffing, mixed vegetables, wheat bread w/margarine, fresh fruit cup.

Wednesday, February 12: Cream of mushroom soup,sausage sandwich w/ green peepers and onions, pasta salad, banana mousse.

Thursday, February 13: Baked meatloaf w/ gravy, scalloped potatoes, red beets, wheat bread w/ margarine, tapioca pudding.