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Coplay: Cash bingo to be held Feb. 9

Whitehall-Coplay Hunger Initiative will hold a cash bingo Feb. 9 at Commitment to Family & Community, 165 Cherry St.

Doors open 1 p.m., and calling starts 2 p.m.

Attendees should bring an item for the Snack Pack Pals program. A list of needed items are on WCHI’s Facebook page.

Food and baked goods will be available for purchase.

All proceeds will benefit WCHI.

For more information, call Lana Snyder at 610-533-1357.


Coplay Saengerbund, 205 S. Fifth St., will hold a valentine sweetheart dance 3:30 p.m. Feb. 9.

Along with polkas, there will be the crowning of a king and queen. The couple will reign over club festivities for the year.


Coplay Recreation and Welfare Association is wasting no time in preparing for the egg hunt, scheduled for April 11.

The event is open to all borough boys and girls up to age 8. No registration is required.

The egg hunt will be held on the grounds at St. Peter Roman Catholic Church, 4 S. Fifth St.


Coplay Sports is preparing for its spring and summer activities - girls softball, boys baseball and grasshopper baseball for the very young.

Sign-up information for parents enrolling their children will be announced shortly.

PRESS PHOTO BY AL RECKERGreg Miller, St. John's Lutheran Church council president, and Ondie Niefert, financial secretary, join Joan Wright, Karen Haines and Carol Arnold during a mortgage-burning ceremony Jan. 26, commemorating the final payment for the church's renovated kitchen. The ceremony included the burning of the mortgage from the 15-year, $170,000 debt, which was paid off in 7- years by