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The Salisbury Township Advisory Committee met Jan. 20 at the township municipal building.

No changes will be made to the Salisbury Township Recreation and Advisory Committee. All officers for the committee will remain in their positions for 2020.

Committee Chair Mark Wilson happily commented, “It will be the same crew as last year.” Wilson will remain chair, with Patrick Jacoby staying as vice chairman and Kim Ringhoffer remaining as secretary.

The meeting then transitioned into committee updates. Ringhoffer, who could not be in attendance, sent an email to Recreation Director Genny Baillie for her to read aloud. Ringhoffer’s has been in contact with Sara Stuber, who is a representative from Embassy Bank. Stuber wants to set up an arts and craft table for the Salisbury Township egg hunt to show support and give Embassy Bank a little presence in the township.

April 4 will be the date of the egg hunt, Palm Sunday. It will be held at Lindberg Park. A time was not set, but it will be announced on the township website for community members wanting to attend.

The biggest news of the meeting came in the second portion of Ringhoffer’s email.

Baillie announced Community Day would, most likely, no longer be taking place. The Salisbury Township Police Department will be holding a National Night Out event this year, which will now take the place of Community Day. The police want to do their own event again, which means the township would have to have their own event without support from the police department. This was determined to be too troublesome for the township.

The committee hopes the police department would still want support from the township for their event.

Next, Baillie read her staff report. She announced she has been working with Jacoby on the idea of a five-question survey that could be distributed to township residents with the goal of discovering what the 30-year-old and above members of the community would like to do and see happen in the township.

Baillie spoke about really trying to discover what the township residents and adults want to do in the area. What would they like to see improved? Would they be willing to help volunteer? This survey could really give community members a voice of action. Baillie thinks the survey would be phenomenal in helping to craft ideas for more community events geared for an older crowd.

Both Frank McCullough and Frank Adamcik thought pickle ball and pickle ball tournaments were an idea that could bring in an older crowd. New pickle ball courts are being placed at Green Acres and having more township-run events could inspire more interest in the game that seems to be rising in popularity.

The last item on the agenda was a resident suggestion. The resident asked the committee to consider holding a tree lighting ceremony at Christmas time, one year at Franko Park and one year at Lindberg Park until there is a place to make it consistent.

Baillie and the rest of the committee loved this idea and started thinking of ideas right away. They spoke about inviting the Girl/Boy Scouts, the Salisbury High School chorus, plus other groups from the community. The Recreation Advisory Committee thought it a fantastic idea that would be cost effective and fun for people of all ages.

The initial concerns were about the size of the tree and where it would be located. The commission put this down as new business and will be planned fully at a later date.

FILE PHOTOThe Salisbury Township Recreation Advisory Committee looks to plan and hold events for residents. Pictured are, seated, left to right: Vice Chairman Pat Jacoby, Chairman Mark Wilson and Secretary Kim Ringhoffer; standing, left to right: Frank McCullough and Frank Adamcik.