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District News: Pencil, lollipop sale to start

Whitehall-Coplay PTO PLUS will hold its annual valentine pencil and lollipop sale during lunch periods Feb. 3-12.

Students can purchase for their favorite valentine or for themselves.


Parents/guardians of eighth-graders are invited to transition night 6:30 p.m. Feb. 6 in the auditorium of Whitehall-Coplay Middle School.

The course selection process will be presented. An orientation to key features of the high school schedule and how course recommendations are made will be featured, as well as highlights of the high school experience in ultimately preparing students for life beyond the Whitehall-Coplay School District campus.

Jennifer Senavaitis, eighth-grade student counselor, and Heather Hampton, Whitehall High School assistant principal, will provide information for parents/guardians.


WHS Leo Club is sponsoring a winter essentials drive to help support the local community until Feb. 10. They are collecting children’s new/good-condition gloves, hats and scarves.

Drop off the items in Ms. Paulas’ classroom in C109 by Feb. 10.


For the Presidents Day holiday, WCSD will be closed Feb. 14 and 17.


The Strengthening Families program began Jan. 15 at WCMS. The program, in its eighth year, fosters stronger communications between young people and their parents/guardians. The evenings open with a catered, free-of-charge family meal, followed by a series of participative training programs that explore the middle school experience and prepare students and their families to better navigate the teenage years.

This exciting program will run seven Wednesday evenings 5:30-8 p.m. until Feb. 26.

There is no cost to families, and child care is also provided free of charge for families with younger children. Jon Irons, CIS site coordinator, will be facilitating the enrollment process.

This year, the program is open to fifth through eighth grades. Thank you to Valley Youth House and Penn State Extension for their support in providing this program.


Steckel Elementary School’s Save the World Club is doing awesome things. While learning about endangered animals, Miss Lepore’s third-grade classroom was inspired to raise money to adopt a manatee through the Save the Manatee Club. They raised more than $45 and were able to adopt two manatees, Moo Shoo and Annie. They wrote informational reports to teach other Steckel Elementary students about manatees and things they can do to help save them.

A few girls in the class took the initiative to spend their recess time picking up litter around the playground area. They turned this passion into a club, where the students created a sign-up schedule and rules/expectations, so the rest of the class could choose to participate. The students use trash grabbers and wear Steckel Star vests as they fill their buckets with litter daily.


Do you have any WCSD news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.