Editor’s Note: This is a correction version of the article in the Jan. 22 issue of The Press.
On Jan. 20 Macungie Borough Council met to discuss some borough issues and ongoing projects.
The Macungie Police Department gave council the 2019 department report.
The police department consists of four full-time officers, one 30-hour officer and several part-time officers. The department personnel represents over 100 years of combined law enforcement experience.
There are four patrol vehicles in the fleet. The department patrols approximately 32,000 miles while keeping Macungie safe.
Each officer is responsible for their own calls meaning they investigate from beginning to end. A patrolman can be assigned to assist in the investigation and will return to his patrol duties upon completion of the assignment.
Training in the police department is ongoing. It includes state mandated training, critical issues training and advanced training. Also included is basic training for new hires.
All Macungie police officers are Act 120 certified. Presently training totals 919 hours. Mandatory in Service Training, or MIST, is required to maintain certification.
According to the report presentation, Macungie police work closely with area municipalities.
There are 15 Lehigh County police departments which includes the City of Allentown.
An important part of a police officer’s job is to accompany EMS when responding to emergencies. This can be a lifesaving event particularly in overdose cases.
Annual statistics show officers were dispatched to 2,510 incidents reflecting a .01 percent decrease over the 2018 incidents which totaled 2,515. There were 482 traffic citations which is a 7.83 percent increase from 2018 with totals of 447. There were 62 criminal arrests in 2019 which is a 51.2 percent increase from 2018 with the total for that year reaching 41.
A question arose about speeding citations. Are police focusing on the problem areas?
The report does not go into depth on these areas.
In other meeting business, council members discussed the Macungie bear. The symbol of the bear is throughout the borough. An artist has been talking about a possibility of another bear which may be different than the current bear. It is requested the replacement remains a black bear. No decision has been reached. The artist is to attend the next borough council meeting.
Linda Bieber, of Linda’s Hair Shop, 24 S. Church St., will retire in the middle of May. She has been at this location for 20 years. The location is next to borough hall. Sonya Spotts wants to take over the shop. Spotts currently does hair in the borough at Holiday Hair.
Discussion about Macungie Institute continues. Ideas about usage and maintenance are ongoing.
Richard Stukas volunteered for the library board vacancy. Stukas was approved and appointed.
Main Street Commons is presently clearing the site and is seeking a waiver to clear the area of top soil. The waiver was approved but with an additional phone call to Council President John Yerman as part of the agreement.
The Stone Hill Meadows subdivision development is progressing as roads are being constructed and lots are being established.