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During the Jan. 6 Macungie Borough Council meeting, the newly elected council members were sworn by Judge Douglas G. Reichley of Lehigh County Common Pleas Court.

Ryan Hanosek, Todd Rutledge and Angela Ashbrook took the oath of office to serve on Macungie Borough Council.

Council also nominated and elected a president, vice-president and president pro tempore. John Yerman is the new president, Roseann Schleicher will return as vice president and Todd Rutledge is the president pro tempore.

There was an executive session regarding personnel issues.

In other business, a resident requested a waiver on her sewer bill. The bill was high due to a leak. Council will turn it over to Lehigh County Authority for their review. If approved through them, then council will approve.

A new bear is being considered to replace the one removed due to deterioration. Angela Faidley, from Out of Our Minds art studio, is looking into this. It is understood the bear should be representative of the area.

A memorial plaque for council members is being discussed. Council is questioning which members should be on it. A resident knows a longtime council member who was involved when the plaque conversation first started. The resident volunteered to investigate the origins of the plaque.

The Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency is requesting to meet over issues with permits. Permitting is overdue. With potential pollutants getting into the creek, permits are necessary.

A discussion arose over Macungie Institute. It was mentioned council should be involved with the plans for this building. Hanosek will represent council when meeting with the trustee.

Christopher Becker was appointed to the Joint Building Board of Appeals.

A resolution was approved for depositing and signing for 2020. This will be the borough manager’s responsibility.

Resolutions for banners over Route 100 and the 2020 fee schedule were approved. Also approved was the appointment of a pension plan chief administrative officer.

PRESS PHOTOS BY SHARON SCHRANTZAngela Ashcroft is sworn in as a member of Macungie Borough Council at the Jan. 6 council meeting by Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Douglas G. Reichley.