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PRESS PHOTOS BY TARA CARMANJudge Donna Butler gives the oath of office to Emmaus Borough Council members for a four year term. Teri Sorg-McManamon, Chris DeFrain and John W. Hart will continue to reprise their roles as council members, while Chad Balliet is new to council. Pictured, left to right, are: Councilman Chris DeFrain, Councilwoman Teri Sorg-McManamon, Councilman John W. Hart and

Four council members, three who will continue their roles and one new, were sworn into their new terms at the Emmaus Borough Council meeting held Jan. 6.

Councilwoman Teri Sorg- McManamon, along with Councilmen John W. Hart and Chris DeFrain will all be reprising their roles as council members for the next four years.

New to council is the owner of South Mountain Cycle & Café, Chad Balliet. He moved to the borough back in 2004 and took over South Mountain Cycle & Café in June 2013 with his wife Heather.

Although Balliet has no previous political experience, he said he wants the “opportunity to serve the borough and be involved and do the right thing.” He said he knows a majority of the business owners on Main Street and plans to be more involved with the borough’s businesses as time progresses.

Balliet will chair the health, sanitation and codes committee and serve as a member of the public works and parks and recreation committees.

In other business, council unanimously voted to appoint the following officials to their designated positions with a term expiring Jan. 4, 2021: Ambulance Corp. Chief Jeffery Hoffman; Animal Control Officer April Schiel; Borough Manager and Secretary Shane Pepe; Borough Solicitor Dimmich & Dinkelacker, P.C.; Delinquent Tax Collector Dimmich & Dinkelacker P.C.; Director of Finance and Treasurer Christine Snyder; Certified Public Accountant Campbell, Rappold & Yurasits LLP; Civil Service Commission Solicitor Davison and McCarthy; Code Enforcement Officer and Public Works Inspector James Farnsworth; Earned Income and Local Service Tax Office H.A. Berkheimer; Emergency Management Coordinator Keith Miller; Engineer (Primary) Ott Consulting; Engineer (Utilities and Alternate) Hanover Engineering; Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Services John Price; Fire Inspector Thomas Klocek; Health Officer Garry Ritter; Pension Consultant-Police and Non-uniform Mockenhaupt Benefits Group; Per Capital Tax Office H.A. Berkheimer; Police Chief Charles Palmer; Public Works Director John Dychala; Sewer Enforcement Officers Jacob Schray, Gregory Gray and Christopher Taylor; Special Labor Council Campbell, Durrant, Beatty, Palombo & Miller, P.C. and Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor Ronald Corkery Esq.