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Roughies Report: LCTI recognizes Jones, Hunsicker

Every month, teachers at Lehigh Career & Technical Institute recognize students for outstanding effort, improvement, achievement or leadership in their career and technical education programs and academic center classes.

Catasauqua High School students Stella Jones (advertising design/commercial art) and Anthonie Hunsicker (criminal justice) were recently selected by their teachers as LCTI’s November Students of the Month.

Congratulations, Stella and Anthonie!


All college-bound CHS seniors should have taken the SAT tests during their junior year. If you have not yet taken these tests and are planning to attend a four-year college after graduation, register to take these tests as soon as possible.

College-bound seniors should also research if your college requires you to take the SAT two-subject tests and register as soon as possible. Not all colleges require the SAT two-subject tests.

Many of the private colleges may require a student to take one-. two- or three-subject tests.

Colleges will also accept ACT test scores and/or SAT scores.


All students planning to play Division I or Division II college sports should complete the NCAA eligibility center registration form online at ncaaeligibility.org. There is a $70 fee to complete the registration form.

Students must print and bring in the transcript release form to the CHS guidance office, so an official transcript can be sent to the clearinghouse. This form can be found on the eligibility center website under “Resources.”

You will not be eligible to play a college sport until this process is complete and a transcript has been sent.


Time is running out to purchase your 2020 CHS yearbook. Capture your memories in this year’s yearbook for only $53.40. Purchase yours today by visiting treering.com/validate and using Catasauqua’s online ordering code, 1014897769762184.