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Will it stay or will it go?

Many in the audience at the Lynn Township supervisors December meeting were interested in the future of the recycling center - whether or not it would be closed in the near future.

In the absence of supervisors’ Chairman Justin Smith, Supervisor Steve Feinour took the reins of the meeting and addressed the subject.

He stated he township, at this time, does not intend to close the doors of the recycling center.

However, if the costs keep rising, there will be some serious discussion about closing the site.

The board is paying close attention to the expenses involved in keeping the facility open.

The estimated income for the year is $29,315. However, expenses to date total $30,922. This leaves a shortfall of $1,607.

This does not include December expenses. December garbage will be picked up in January and thus will be billed in January. Also not included in the expenses are the road crew hours and gas.

Feinour said they have 32 garbage customers and 70 recycling customers.

This figure is subject to change as new residents hear of the center and some drop out and opt for the commercial pickup at their property.

Fluctuations in the cost are blamed on what China is paying for recyclables.

Feinour said there would be adequate notice given if the township decides to close the transfer station.

Roadmaster Bruce Raber reported the road crew managed to regrade some dirt roads, do some berm mowing and fill potholes.

Frey and Co. was selected as the firm to audit the books for 2019.

Township Secretary Tammy White noted the closeout meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Dec. 30 with the reorganization meeting 6:30 p.m. Jan. 6, 2020.

The auditors will reorganize 7 p.m. Jan. 7, 2020.