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salisbury township boc

The Salisbury Township 2020 budget has been adopted with the previously-discussed approximate $93 annual increase in taxes and fees intact.

Commissioners voted 4-0 with one commissioner absent at the Dec. 12 meeting to approve the 2020 township budget and ordinance to set and reaffirm tax rates and approve budget appropriations.

The estimated overall average annual increase per residence, based on the $225,000 median township property assessment of $93 in taxes and fees is derived from adding together the $32 water rate hike, $12 sewer rate hike, $18 fire fund hike and $31 general fund hike.

The water rate hike affects Salisbury properties served by the Lehigh County Authority, which is raising rates $8 quarterly, or $32 annually. The water rate is to increase from $6.60 per 1,000 gallons to $7 per 1,000 gallons.

The 2020 sewer rate increase is $3 quarterly or $12 annually.

For Salisbury property owners, on average, taxes for the township fire fund are to be raised by $18, or 0.081 of a mill, and for the township general fund, by $31, or 0.14 of a mill.

The ordinance sets the rate for fiscal year 2020, as follows:

The tax rate for general township purposes is 2.07 mills on each $1 of assessed valuation, or 20.7 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation.

The tax rate for fire protection purposes is 0.29 mills on each $1 of assessed valuation, or 2.9 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation.

The tax rate for library services purposes is 0.06 mills on each $1 of assessed valuation, or 0.6 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation.

The aforementioned tax rates add up to 2.42 mills or 24.2 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation. That’s an increase from 2 mills in 2019.

A discount of 2 percent of the amount of any tax levied on property is allowed if the payment in full is tendered or officially postmarked on or before May 31, 2020.

A penalty of 10 percent of the amount of any such tax levied on real property shall be added to the amount of said tax and shall be payable if payment in full of said tax is not tendered or officially postmarked on or before July 31, 2020.

The tax levy of 1 percent is imposed upon salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation earned by township residents and by non-residents.

A 1 percent tax is levied upon the transferring or conveying by deed or other document, any interest in any lands and tenements in the township, without change, for 2020.

Here’s an overview of the 2020 Salisbury Township budget by fund.


Revenue - $8,596,347

Current Year - $8,477,486

Use of Prior-Year Reserves - $118,861

Expenditures - $8,596,347

Operating Expenditures:

General Government - $1,294,256

Police - $3,338,486

Public Safety (Non-Police) - $542,243

Highways & Public Works - $2,631,426

Recreation - $81,860

Environmental Advisory - $1,600

Insurances & Benefits - $188,000

Contributions & Miscellaneous - $25,000

Total Operating Expenditures - $8,102,871

Non-Operating Expenditures:

Debt Service - $237,476

Capital - $256,000

Total Non-Operating Expenditures - $493,476


Revenue - $585,594

Current Year - $385,400

Use of Prior-Year Reserves: $200,194

Expenditures - $585,594

Operating Expenditures - $216,600

Non-Operating Expenditures - $368,994


Revenue - $86,100

Current Year - $82,000

Use of Prior-Year Reserves - $4,100

Operating Expenditures - $86,100


Revenue - $2,043,600

Current Year - $2,043,600

Expenditures - $2,043,600

Operating Expenditures - $1,946,365

Non-Operating Expenditures - $62,319

Transfer to Reserves - $34,916


Revenue - $2,176,474

Current Year - $2,165,100

Use of Prior-Year Reserves - $11,374

Expenditures - $2,176,474

Operating Expenditures - $1,879,917

Non-Operating Expenditures - $296,557


Revenue - $1,508,695

Current Year - $1,432,912

Use of Prior-Year Reserves - $75,783

Operating Expenditures - $1,508,695


Revenue - $662,000

Current Year - $475,885

Use of Prior-Year Reserves - $186,115

Expenditures - $662,000

Operating Expenditures - $217,000

Capital Expenditures - $445,000

The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners next scheduled public meeting is its reorganization meeting, 5:15 p.m. Jan. 6, 2020, in the township municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

The township commissioners Dec. 12 meeting was its last scheduled public meeting for 2019.