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S. Whitehall residents speak against Ridge Farm

As they have done so many times in the past two years, residents opposed to the Ridge Farm development commented at the Nov. 20 meeting.

Michael Wolk stated the development does not comply with the ordinance for public safety.

“The board of commissioners should deny conditional use,” Wolk said. “Ridge Farm creates unsafe traffic conditions.”

David Burke said safety reviews of the latest development layout should be undertaken before a vote on conditional use.

Diane Kelly also commented.

“South Whitehall has never seen a development like this,” Kelly said. “Consider what this will do to public safety in the township we love.”

Jacob Roth, a senior at Parkland High School, noted a vote in favor of Ridge Farm would place profit and tax base extension over public safety.

“My life and 20,000 others will be at stake if this is approved,” Roth said.

Ron DeLorenzo, South Whitehall director of community development from 1977-85, expressed concerns about the proposed system of piping stormwater under Huckleberry Road to a detention basin at MyLinda Lane.

DeLorenzo said it could be unsafe for children and school buses at Kratzer Elementary School if water enters the road and floods or turns to ice.

He was then cut off for exceeding his time limit.

“I hope your grandchildren don’t have to cross that street,” DeLorenzo said in closing.

Although no questions were answered, South Whitehall officials mentioned repeatedly this was only one step in the review process.

Residents will have more opportunities to voice their opinions while having three new members, who campaigned for election, on controlling growth in the township.