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During the Dec. 2 Macungie Borough Council meeting, the 2020 budget was approved for advertising. The tax rate will remain the same at 4.25 mills.

In other business, the Hartman sidewalk situation was discussed. The issue continues over an older Norway Maple on the resident’s property very close to the proposed sidewalk. The resident, Jeffrey Hartman, was seeking a bump out at his residence to eliminate the possible harm to the tree. The bump outs were installed to calm traffic. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has denied the use of a bump out.

PennDOT has defined the walkway as five feet from the curb to the white line in the street. Hartman was attempting to have the area on the street be this portion of the walkway. This was denied.

A resident said all residences must have a sidewalk but Hartman had valid reasons for requesting an alternative.

Council made a decision to set an agreement to install a sidewalk either made of cement at 4 feet in width or made from a pervious material (black top) of the same width to be completed by June 2020.