Published December 07. 2019 11:00PM
The Spanish Department will travel to Panama in Summer 2021 to visit the Panama Canal, Colonial area of the Panama City and other places. Nature tours and sightseeing also will be offered. Students will participate in cultural immersion activities, such as dance lessons and handcraft workshops. For more information, contact Mr. Montepeque in Room 236 or Mrs. Fraser.
Habitat for Humanity will host a gingerbread competition 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 7 in the Emmaus High School cafeteria. Students can enter individually or as a team for a small fee. Forms can be found outside Room 513 or in the library.
There will be an information session for sophomores and juniors 1 to 2 p.m. Dec. 16. The session is for any student interested in learning about the Emerging Health Professional Program. If interested, register in the counseling office.