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New fire truck expected soon

Heidelberg Township supervisors met Nov. 21 opening the meeting with an executive session to discuss potential legal actions.

Following that announcement, Goodwill Fire Chief Jay Scheffler reported the new truck is expected to arrive on Dec. 13.

On Dec. 9, the truck goes to the manufacturer for inspection, then to the dealer and then to the fire company.

Firefighters have responded to 119 calls for the year. Two firefighters will be finishing the Firefighter 1 training course very shortly.

Scheffler said he talked with state Rep. Gary Day, R-187th, about serious issues on state roads.

He said there are places where big trucks cannot maneuver around corners.

Solicitor Charles Waters was asked last month if townships were required to have an emergency management coordinator.

The township has been trying to find someone to fill that position for the last nine months, according to Supervisor Steve Bachman.

Waters reported if they don’t have an emergency management coordinator, the status may impact obtaining funds.

His recommendation was to “just keep looking,” with the understanding they might have to pay someone to fill what had been a volunteer position.

Scheffler said he would talk to Lynn Township officials and see what they are doing.

Bachman said there was 93 percent ambulance coverage with a response time of 11.4 minutes. For the year there were 218 total calls with 197 having NOVA coverage.

The walking trail at the Northwestern Recreation Commission Community Park is open but Bachman stressed it will not have winter maintenance.

The trail was completed under budget.

Bachman also noted there will be no recreation commission meeting in December.

Dawn Didra is going through zoning hearing board files to get them scanned. This will be a joint project of Didra and township Administrator Janice Meyers as there is both an administrative file and a zoning office file for each subdivision.

Zoning records are to be changed to a Cloud based system that can be accessed from a laptop or tablet that can be used during on-site visits.

At present, they can be assessed only on the computer they are stored on. Having files scanned and attached to the property files in the permitting system is going to be an improvement.

Supervisor David Fink announced the road crew would like a new truck that would be better suited for plowing.

Roadmaster Kevin Huber reported to the board that the house on the land the township received behind the municipal building has been torn down and cleaned up at a cost of about $7,000.

Guide rails have been put up. Equipment is ready for snowplowing.

A letter was received from Lehigh County Executive Phillips Armstrong explaining the C-PACE program which will facilitate financing of clean energy, energy efficiency and water conservation projects for commercial projects.

Lehigh County has said it will establish such a program. Repayment will be through a line item on the property’s tax bill.

More information is available at frankkane@lehighcountry.org.

The Sanctuary at Haafsville would like a larger payment but the township will continue to pay for each animal, which is $100 for dogs and $60 for cats.