CTC discusses student anxiety
Whitehall-Coplay Communities That Care met Nov. 15 and discussed some of the early outcomes of the Botvin Life Skills Training at Whitehall-Coplay Middle School.
The evidence-based substance abuse and violence prevention program is for grades 6-8 and funded by Colorado Blue Prints.
A component of the program is pre- and post-tests for the participants. This helps track the progress and efficacy of the program.
Denise Continenza, CTC coordinator, had results from two class sessions from the seventh grade. This composed approximately 60 students.
The report listed the percentage of students who showed progress in a number of different outcomes such as increased knowledge of drugs, increased knowledge of good decision making, decreased peer use perceptions, increased assertiveness skills and more.
Continenza noted 43 percent of students reported having increased anxiety reduction skills. She mentioned it was good the students are recognizing and understanding ways to handle anxiety at a young age.
Chad Stefanyak, a guidance counselor at Whitehall High School, reported he has “an alarming number of students” come to him with anxiety concerns. He said students are taking on more and more responsibilities with sports, clubs, advanced placement classes and part-time jobs in preparation for college and life after high school.
“It’s a tremendous amount of stress,” Michael Gallo, a sophomore at WHS, said.
He noted he is happy to see younger students learning techniques and skills early in their schooling.
It was reported a lot of the stress comes from the home environment and how important it is for students to learn how to handle anxiety both in school and at home.
Other notable outcomes from the program include 37 percent of students noting an increased knowledge of effective communication skills and 47 percent reported an increased knowledge of drugs.
Laura Long, member of Whitehall Area Rotary Club, noted the club is looking for a sustainable project to help fund with a foundational grant. Whitehall Mayor Michael Harakal Jr. said there were a number of projects in the township that could benefit from the grant.
During the recognition portion of the meeting, Christopher Schiffert, assistant superintendent of Whitehall-Coplay School District, reported the Whitehall Marching Zephyr Band placed first in its category at the recent Cavalcade of Bands championship held in Hershey. This was the third year in a row the band earned this honor. It was also mentioned the band received the highest score out of all the bands that competed.
“Small but mighty” is how Schiffert described the marching unit.
There will be no meeting in December for the group. The CTC annual meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. Jan. 23, 2020, at Fellowship Community, Whitehall.