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Conservation talk

Albany Twp

The Albany Township Environmental Advisory Council is presenting the second in its series of conservation talks aimed at enlightening the township’s residents about the remarkable environmental heritage of this beautiful area.

This talk “Thirty Years of Banding Wood Ducks in Albany Township” featuring Jeffrey Schucker will be held 7 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Kempton Fire Company Social Hall, 2461 Route 143, Kempton, Berks County.

Schucker, who is a lifetime resident of the township, has been working for three decades on habitat improvement, monitoring, and banding of the local wood duck population

His affection and enthusiasm for this charmingly beautiful bird is reflected in his dedication to fostering the growth of its numbers.

Schucker’s entertaining presentation includes many photographs of the subject and of his extensive interaction with the birds.

The event is free and will be followed with light refreshments.

For more information, contact Tom Kerr at 484-436-1014 or tjkerr3@gmail.com.