Principal Kate Kieres presented the 2020-2021 Program of Studies for Emmaus High School at the East Penn School District school board meeting Oct. 14.
She said there were several significant prerequisite changes recommended for higher level art courses, biology honors and other college prep and honors classes.
Kieres highlighted revisions to the world language prerequisites. Students who completed a language course in eighth grade should no longer repeat the same level course in high school if they had been graded 80 percent or higher. She mentioned there could be exceptions to that new rule for students experiencing mitigating circumstances such as health issues. English as a second language has been restructured in how it is taught.
Some courses such as Microsoft Access have been eliminated due to lack of interest.
Kieres mentioned updates to a Student Intern Teacher program, which would provide interested high school seniors with an opportunity to serve as assistant teachers. She also touched on a proposed “School Within a School” project-based pilot program with 32-48 students.
Director Charles Ballard requested the “School Within a School” program be handled separately from the other Program of Studies additions and revisions. He and a few others on the board expressed hesitation on whether they would support it as presented.
The 2020-2021 Program of Studies is to be voted on at the next board meeting.
Karen Devine from the Pennsylvania School Boards Association honored two East Penn school board directors for multiple years of service. Ballard made the honor roll for 24 years on the school board and board President Ken Bacher was given a certificate of appreciation for eight years of service.
East Penn School District Superintendent Kristen Campbell and Bacher recognized EHS seniors Arthur Schmidt, Stephanie Sipics and Fionnuir Ni Chochlain as 2020 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists.
District employee Karla Matamoros was applauded by the directors for receiving the Pennsylvania Outstanding School Social Worker, Home and School Visitor award for 2019.
In her district update, Campbell announced a digital equity campaign to reach out to families of students who can’t afford Internet access. Director Ziad Munson suggested sending out a printed flyer about the program.
EHS Student Government Association representatives Grace Comfort and Maddy Kuchta reported on a new working weather station at the high school, sports, a successful blood drive, and other successes.
The board voted unanimously to approve the curricula for the 2020-2021 school year presented at a previous meeting. These included new courses on Design and Development (grade nine), Home Maintenance and Materials Technology (grades nine through 12), Mobile Apps (grades nine through 12) and Engineering Design and Development (grade 12), as well as revisions to English, reading, social studies and technology education.
In personnel matters, the board accepted the retirement of Eyer Middle School Food Service Coordinator Yvonne Cramsey, effective Dec. 20 and electrician Scott Clever, effective Jan. 11, 2020.
The directors held a first reading of board policy updates with Assistant Superintendent Douglas Povilaitis regarding professional development, facilities and workplace safety, building security, emergency preparedness and response, law enforcement relations and school safety personnel. New policies were also discussed for the statewide Safe2Say Something anonymous tip program.
Director Alisa Bowman reported the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit recently added three positions to their human resources department.
The state legislature, according to Ballard, has a special advisory committee studying delayed start times for secondary schools.
There were no requests to address the board at the meeting.
Bacher said there was a 7 p.m. executive session prior to the public forum where they discussed “confidentiality.”
The East Penn Board of School Directors meet regularly 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The next meeting is scheduled Nov. 11. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district website. There is free WiFi available for audience members during the meetings in the board room of the administration building.