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Open house on Oct. 30


The public is invited to an open house at the Pennsylvania Soldiers and Sailors Home 1-4 p.m. Oct. 30 at 560 East Third St., Erie.

Soldiers and Sailors is one of six veterans homes operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

The PSSH provides residents with essential equipment and furnishings, complete on-site medical and pharmacy services, physical, speech and occupational therapy, and 24-hour nursing care.

The home also offers year-round recreational activities such as crafts, games, musical entertainment, shopping, trips to local sporting events, as well as other stimulating activities.

Veterans or spouses of veterans with health care needs, may contact the home to discuss long-term care options.

The DMVA provides residency to more than 1,300 eligible veterans and their spouses throughout the commonwealth.

The other five veterans homes are: the Delaware Valley Veterans’ Home, Philadelphia; Gino J. Merli Veterans’ Center, Scranton; Hollidaysburg Veterans Home, Hollidaysburg; Southeastern Veterans Center, Spring City; and the Southwestern Veterans Center, Pittsburgh.

For more information about admission, contact the admissions coordinator at 814-878-4939 or visit VeteransHomes.pa.gov.