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Lowhill Twp building set for more security

Lowhill Township supervisors had both their regular board meeting and a budget meeting on Oct. 3.

Among several topics, the board discussed security.

Chairman Rick Hughes said security will include having cameras installed around the building and having computer screens inside for Jill Seymour, secretary, to monitor.

The cameras will be along the four corners of the building and at the entrance. They also want the doors to the building locked at all times and have a system where visitors have to be buzzed inside.

Vice Chairman Buddy Wessner suggested having more cameras installed for the inside of the building, too. The board will discuss this and may readjust the plan for next month.

The security system at this time will cost about $3,100.

The board also discussed issues along Corporate Court and about the new bridge at Bear road bridge.

Hughes announced there will be another budget meeting before the regular board meeting on Nov. 7.

Ryan Christman, engineer, mainly spoke about replacing the Bear Road bridge.

Christman explained that the design of the bridge and filing for necessary permits would take approximately six months.

He also said the new bridge should last 50 years minimum, but possibly between 75 and 80 years at most.

Administrator Brian Carl reported he did not yet count the vehicles on the Integrity Auto property, but Hughes said when he last saw the lot, it did not look bad.

Carl reported he had to withdraw the civil complaint as the judge would not grant another continuance.

Hughes would still like to keep an eye on the property and let the owners know the township will file charges again if more vehicles than what is allowed appear on the property.

Carl also reported about the situation with Acadia on Corporate Court.

He said litter at the Allentown Comprehensive Treatment Center property has been somewhat cleaned up, but the parking problems are still occurring.

These issues and other resident complaints about how the center is handling itself and patients are continuing to be addressed.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky told the board they had 14 days of work on the walking trail, did tiger and grass mowing, completed paving on Herber Road and painted road lines around the township in September.

For October, the road crew wanted to finish grass and tiger mowing, prepare equipment that will be needed for winter, do some concrete work and post the speed limit signs around corporate court.

Under old business, there was nothing new to report about the salt storage shed.

Trick or Treat Night will be 6-8 p.m. Oct. 26, rain or shine.

Hughes made a motion that for future trick or treat night’s, they will always occur 6-8 p.m. on the last Saturday of October. Wessner seconded the motion.