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Article By: The Press

2019 Emmaus Halloween Parade prize winners

Marching Group

First – Pup-kin – Bostons, Frenchies & English Bulldogs

Second – Cub Scout Pack #431 - Racing

Third – Save the Youth – Mountainville Outlawz Football & Cheering

Marching Group with a Float

First – Wizard of AHHS – Sharon Plessel School of Dance

Second – Addams Family – Seagreaves/Joyce Family

Third – Greatest Team on Earth – Salisbury Youth Association Cheerleading

Fourth – Zombie Fire Co. – Michael Reese

Fifth – Alien Invasion – Cub Scout Pack #25

Mini Floats

First – Jimmy’s Juniors Fun in all Sizes

Second – Salute to Our Servicemen – Richard Hanner

Small Floats

First – Honky Tonk – Landis Family

Second – Vampire Princess – PA Miss Amazing

Third – Jeep Enthusiasts of Eastern PA – 21 jeeps all decorated differently

Fourth – Night at the Movies – Mike and His Crazy Friends

Fifth – Keystone State Quarter Midget Racing

Large Floats

First – EPEMFA

Second – East Central PA 2-Cylinder Club

Third – Veteran Tribute – Gerald Deetz


First – Stephen King-iverse – Emmaus Public Library

Second – Wild Animals – Girls Gone Wild

Best of Show

Chaps Space Cadets – Kristi Chap – Sponsored by the Emmaus Arts Commission

Trophy Compliments of Crown Trophy Emmaus

Mayor’s Cup Award

Addams Family – Seagreaves/Joyce Family

Most Halloween Decorated Entry Chosen by the Mayor; Trophy Compliments of Crown Trophy Emmaus