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Sheckler News: Book fair at Sheckler scheduled for students, parents

The Arctic Adventure Scholastic book fair will be 6-8 p.m. Oct. 24 for families to come out to shop and make purchases together at Sheckler Elementary School.


On Oct. 18, the great pumpkin patch grew at Sheckler Elementary for kindergarten students. They were able to visit the patch and select a pumpkin, as well as enjoy an apple snack as part of the fall festivities.


Reminder: Sheckler students will be marching in their annual Halloween parade 1:30 p.m. Oct. 25 for families and friends to come out and watch.

Classrooms will be celebrating with parties for the students when they return back to school.


Please remember to pick up your child’s pumpkin if it was entered in Sheckler’s pumpkin-decorating contest. All entries need to be removed by the end of the day Oct. 25, or they will be discarded.


Oct. 30 will be an early dismissal day for students in grades kindergarten through fourth grade. Students will be dismissed 1:30 p.m.