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Miller-Keystone issues appeal for blood donors

The Miller-Keystone Blood Center has issued an urgent appeal for Blood donors of all Blood types.

“More than 450 donors are needed every day in our community to help in the care of cancer patients, accident victims, premature infants and others requiring lifesaving transfusions at our regional hospitals,” explained Qiana Cressman, director of Donor Recruitment and Development.

Cressman noted just one major trauma or disaster could have devastating effects on the blood center’s ability to provide for the transfusion needs of the community.

“While we’ve had a decrease in the number of people donating, the demand at our community hospitals remains steady,” Cressman continued. “We would just like to remind people that blood cannot be manufactured.

It can only come from the kind generosity of volunteer blood donors. If there is ever a time to donate, now is that time. Each and every blood donation truly does make a difference.”

In order to donate, individuals must be 16 years of age with parental consent required or older, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be feeling healthy; they must not have donated in the past eight weeks.

All donors must also provide valid identification.

For more information or to schedule a donation, call 1-800-223-6667.

Donors can also visit GIVEaPINT.org to schedule an appointment online or to find a blood drive in their community.