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St. Luke’s offers public findings on health needs

St. Luke’s Department of Community Health & Preventive Medicine invites the public to presentations on its 2019-2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) findings and recommendations, including:

St. Luke’s Quakertown Campus: Quakertown High School, 2:30 p.m. Nov. 13

Light refreshments will be provided.

St. Luke’s University Health Network recently completed its 2019-2022 its CHNA, which identified three health priorities:

1. Improving access to care and reducing health disparities

2. Promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing chronic disease

3. Improving mental-behavioral health

“At the presentations, we share the data and engage in discussions about continued and future collaborations and partnerships to effectively address the needs,” said Rajika E. Reed, Ph.D., MPH, M.Ed., Senior Network Director of Epidemiology & Strategy.

“We also will share our Network-wide 2019-2022 implementation strategy,” said Bonnie Coyle, M.D., M.S., Chair of Community Health and Preventive Medicine.

The 2019 St. Luke’s Network and Campus Assessments were posted May 15 and can be found at:


To reserve a seat for the community presentation, call St. Luke’s InfoLink: 866-STLUKES (785-8537), Option No. 4.

Previous presentations were held in Carbon and Monroe counties, Bethlehem and Allentown.